Raile's in Italy
Carlo and Luciana Raile live in Varese, Italy. They have a son, Luca Raile and a daughter Cristina Raile.
Carlo writes:
My wife and I now are pensioned off. I have worked in a Bank at the foreign transactions departement, my wife in the officier's management bureau of an electrical material farm.
The place of origin of my family is Rovereto a little town in the italian region called Trentino on the way to go to Austria through the mountain Brenner pass. There my father Ferruccio Raile was born in 1897 and there in 1930 he married my mother Anna Sottovia, born in Milan in 1900. Owing to job reasons they went to Milan. In this town in 1932 my sister Mirella Raile was born and ten years later in 1942 I also.
In 1943 to escape the bombing of the second world war on Milan my father decided to move to Varese and there we remained.
My father died in Varese in 1960, my mother in 1978. My sister Mirella Raile in 1958 get married with a swedish journalist and she went to Sweden in Gotheborg were actually she lives alone as her husband died four years ago. She has two sons both married.
My father Ferruccio Raile had a brother Silvio Raile. This last one get married and had two sons Marcello Raile and Letizia Raile both now living in Munchen (Germany). Marcello Raile has two sons Silvio Raile and Olliver Raile.
It is rather difficult to get news beyond my grandfather Pietro Raile born in Rovereto about 1860 as Rovereto was an Austrian town. After the acquisition of those lands by Italy in 1918 (at the end of the first world war) the town archives were found in very bad conditions.
I hope to have satisfied your desire to get news about Raile's in Italy in any case I shall be very happy to answer to your further requests.
Escuse me if my writing in english language is not perfect but it is the best I can do.
Please note my email address : railecarlo@virgilio.it
Best regard.
Carlo Raile and family
Carlo Raile
Pussy Raile