German-Russian Genealogy Links
GCRA Glueckstal Colonies Research Association is a non-profit organization researching family histories of the German colonists living in the Black-Sea colonies of Glückstal, Bergdorf, Kassel, Neudorf and their daughter colonies.
GRHS Germans From Russian HeritageSociety The Society's aims are educational and social. Its purpose is to bring together people who are interested in discovering the common history unique to Germanic-Russian ethnics and to preserve the many elements of their rich heritage.
AHSGR American Historical Society of Germans From Russia is an international organization dedicated to the discovery, collection, preservation, and dissemination of information related to the history, cultural heritage and genealogy of Germanic Settlers in the Russian Empire and their descendants.
Harold Ehrman's Web Page Harold has done lots of research on German-Russians. He has acquired a significant amount of data that he shares on his web site.
Germans From Russian Heritage Collection The mission of the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection is to collect, document, preserve, exhibit, translate, publish, promote and make accessible resources on the culture, history, folklore, foodways and textiles & clothing of the Germans from Russia, particularly Bessarabian Germans, Black Sea Germans, Crimean Germans, Dobrudscha Germans and Volhynian Germans and their descendants in North Dakota and the Northern Plains.